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Jeunesse Global Monavie

live in motion


Açai: The Jewel of the Amazon

Pronounced “ah-sah-EE,” the açai berry is rich in antioxidants, polyphenols, vitamins and minerals.

Carefully processed: The prized açai pulp is flash-pasteurized to retain the flavor, color and nutrients.

Sustainable: Berries are harvested from the fronds of the açai palm annually, leaving the tree to replenish and grow, year after year. 

Plant-based Glucosamine

  • 750 mg per serving
  • Corn derived
  • Vegan friendly
  • No shellfish or animal by-products

AçaVie® Complex

Proprietary blend of açaí puree, pulp and powder.

Pulp:Organic, gluten free and GMA safe

Puree:Quality checked for sweetness and acidity parameters

Powder:Patented Infidri™ light technology dries fruit while leaving the flavor, color and nutritional molecules intact

Drink it. Feel it. Share it.
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MonaVie Active™ is part of the Y.E.S. Youth Enhancement System™